


コロナ対応は「集団的失敗」 OCTA指摘に政府側が反論
(まにら新聞) 2021/04/17

「より多くの人が亡くなる」 世界的ワクチン不足で大統領
(まにら新聞) 2021/04/17

要訳: ドゥテルテ大統領は国民へのメッセージで政府は最大限の努力を行っていると政権批判に反論。
Duterte to Filipinos amid COVID-19 surge: Disabuse your mind that we fall short; gov't is working

要訳: 大統領府はパブリカス・アジアの大統領支持率調査結果を歓迎
Palace welcomes poll results, showing Duterte most approved, trusted official
(まにら新聞) 2021/04/09

ドゥテルテ支持率は65% パブリクス・アジア3月調査
(まにら新聞) 2021/04/09

(まにら新聞) 2021/04/01

(NNA ASIA) 2021/03/23

要訳: 65%が「ドゥテルテ政権に批判的な記事を書くのは危険」と回答: SWS調査
65% say dangerous to report critical stories vs Duterte admin: SWS survey
(まにら新聞) 2021/03/20
Fourth Quarter 2020 Social Weather Survey: Net danger in publishing things critical of the administration rises sharply from +21 to +49
(SWS) 2021/03/19

(まにら新聞) 2021/02/13

(JETROアジア経済研究所) 2021/01

(まにら新聞) 2020/10/31
SWS September 17-20, 2020 National Mobile Phone Survey – Report No. 12: Filipinos are divided on the accuracy of government statistics on Covid-19 positives and deaths
(SWS) 220/10/29

(まにら新聞) 2020/10/19
SWS September 17-20, 2020 National Mobile Phone Survey – Report No. 9: Majority of Filipinos say government actions against Covid-19 are ‘adequate,’ except on providing help to the jobless
(SWS) 2020/10/17

(DavaWatch) 2020/10/08

(NNA ASIA) 2020/10/09
September 2020 Nationwide Survey on the National Administration and the President’s Handling of the COVID-19 Pandemic
(Puls ASIA) 2020/10/08

大統領支持率91%に上昇 就任以来最高、コロナ対策評価
(NNA ASIA) 2020/10/06
September 2020 Nationwide Survey on the Performance and Trust Ratings of the Top Philippine Government Officials and the Performance Ratings of Key Government Institutions
(Pulse ASIA) 2020/10/05

(NNA ASIA) 2020/09/30

要訳: ドゥテルテ政権のフィリピンは今、マルコス政権下の「デジャブ」のよう: アン・シー氏 (フィリピン華人の市民活動家)
Philippines in "deja vu" as situation during Marcos martial law years similar under Duterte, Ang-See says
(まにら新聞) 2020/09/15

要訳: 大統領府: ドゥテルテ政権は報道の自由を尊重。 51%のフィリピン国民が政権批判を報道することは危険と感じているというSWS調査結果を受け
Duterte gov't respects press freedom - Palace
(まにら新聞) 2020/08/10
SWS July 3-6, 2020 National Mobile Phone Survey – Report No. 13: 51% of Filipinos agree that “It is dangerous to print or broadcast anything critical of the administration, even if it is the truth”
(SWS) 2020/08/07

資金尽き食料支援できず コロナ拡大で政権瀬戸際 医療崩壊迫るも打つ手なし
(まにら新聞) 2020/08/05

要訳: 大統領府はドゥテルテ大統領は施政方針演説でコロナ禍からの復興プランを明示できなかったとする一部の批判を否定
Palace debunks claims Duterte's SONA failed to lay down COVID-19 recovery plan
(まにら新聞) 2020/07/29
SONA: ドゥテルテ大統領施政方針演説

要訳: ドゥテルテ大統領の4年間の業績は「素晴らしい」: 大統領府
Duterte's four years in office "great," says Palace
(まにら新聞) 2020/07/03

(NNA ASIA) 2020/07/02

要訳: 大統領府はSWSの調査でドゥテルテ政権の満足度が「すばらしい」とされた結果を受け称賛
Palace lauds "excellent" Duterte administration net satisfaction rating
(まにら新聞) 2020/03/07
Fourth Quarter 2019 Social Weather Survey: Net satisfaction with the National Administration up to “Excellent” +73
(SWS) 2020/03/05

(NNA ASIA) 2020/03/04
Fourth Quarter 2019 Social Weather Survey: Net Satisfaction “Good” for Vice-President Robredo, “Very Good” for Senate President Sotto, “Good” for Speaker Cayetano, and “Moderate” for Chief Justice Peralta
(SWS) 2020/03/03

大統領の退陣求める 集会に100人参加
(まにら新聞) 2020/02/23

(JETRO) 2020/02/10

(まにら新聞) 2020/01/27
Fourth Quarter 2019 Social Weather Survey: Pres. Duterte's Net Satisfaction at new record "Excellent" +72
(SWS) 2020/01/23

(NNA ASIA) 2020/01/23
Fourth Quarter 2019 Social Weather Survey: Pres. Duterte's Net Satisfaction at new record "Excellent" +72
(SWS) 2020/01/21

(まにら新聞) 2020/01/18
※ 原文ママ

要訳: パルス・エイシアの調査結果は、国民がドゥテルテ政権に対し2020年に向けた本物の改革を期待していることを反映: パネロ報道官
Palace: Filipinos have so much to look forward to in 2020
(まにら新聞) 2019/12/22

大統領の満足度87% パルスアジア世論調査
(まにら新聞) 2019/12/22
Performance and Trust Ratings of Top National officials
(Pulse ASIA Inc.) 2019/12/21

(JETRO) 2019/11/20

要訳: マラウィの戦闘で被災した住人は、ドゥテルテ大統領の対応に満足: SWS
Residents affected by Marawi siege satisfied with Duterte performance: SWS
(まにら新聞) 2019/12/19
Third Quarter 2019 Social Weather Survey Special Sample for the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)
(SWS) 2019/12/17

国政に77%が「満足」 依然として高い支持
(まにら新聞) 2019/11/08

(NNA ASIA) 2019/11/08
Third Quarter 2019 Social Weather Survey: Net satisfaction rating of the National Administration at “Very Good” +67
(SWS) 2019/11/06

副大統領の支持率変わらず 上院議長は7割超え保つ
(まにら新聞) 2019/10/23

(NNA ASIA) 2019/10/18
Third Quarter 2019 Social Weather Survey: Net Satisfaction “Good” for Vice-President Robredo, “Very Good” for Senate President Sotto, “Good” for Speaker Cayetano, and “Moderate” for Chief Justice Bersamin
(SWS) 2019/10/16

(NNA ASIA) 2019/10/11

要訳: 政府: ドゥテルテ大統領の支持率低下は「取るに足らない」こと
Palace says dip in Duterte's satisfaction rating "insignificant"
(まにら新聞) 2019/10/10

(NNA ASIA) 2019/10/10

(NNA ASIA) 2019/10/09

要訳: 政府はドゥテルテ大統領の支持率低下を重要視せず (まだ充分に高い)
Palace shrugs off drop on Duterte's performance, trust ratings
(まにら新聞) 2019/10/08

大統領支持率78%に 前回比7ポイント減
(まにら新聞) 2019/10/08

(まにら新聞) 2019/08/21

(まにら新聞) 2019/08/08

政権批判「公然と言える」59% 表現の自由度 現政権で最高に
(まにら新聞) 2019/08/06
Second Quarter 2019 Social Weather Survey: “Very strong” +41 net agreement that "I can say anything I want, openly and without fear, even if it is against the administration"
(SWS) 2019/08/03

(まにら新聞) 2019/07/19

(NNA ASIA) 2019/07/18
June 2019 Nationwide Survey on the Performance and Trust Ratings of the Top Philippine Government Officials
(PulsASIA) 2019/07/17

(まにら新聞) 2019/07/10

(NNA ASIA) 2019/07/10

要訳: SWSはドゥテルテ大統領に対する満足度「非常に良い」が新記録を更新したとアナウンス
SWS announces new record ''very good'' net satisfaction rating for Duterte
(まにら新聞) 2019/07/09

投稿者 美山治 : 06:10 | - | |